My instinct is to list all the ways I fall short (not smart enough, not pretty enough, not interesting, not talented, not skillful...) as if there would be some benefit to enumerating them, like some to-do list of self-improvement. But I am no longer young or naïve enough to believe this. I've been making this list as long as I can remember. All these years of effort come to naught
The question could be raised - not enough for whom? Because it has to be a whom, doesn't it, it's only people who judge these things. No matter how how much art (for example) there is in the world, it still doesn't have the power to decide who is good enough for it.
My mind scrolls back across the years, seeing myself through the eyes of parents, teachers, bosses, would-be lovers and friends - and seeing the dull disappointment there - "not enough."
You'd think I'd be used to it by now, that it would have strengthened my tissue paper heart, but no. It's still a raw wound every time, the same raw wound.
Maybe I'm just moody. It's been known to happen. Maybe it's the times, the constant upheaval, the cracked foundations. Maybe the specter of death that hangs over us all. It could be all these things and more. All I know is that I'm outclassed, overwhelmed, spent.
I'm so tired. A dried leaf, curled up, crumbling, longing to sleep.