"The glacier knocks in the cupboard, The desert sighs in the bed, And the crack in the teacup opens A lane to the land of the dead."

-W.H. Auden

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Out Of Place

In the midst of an upwelling of synchronicities (an upwelling? An unveiling? A swirl? A surge? By what mechanism do synchronicities reveal themselves? ) I came across these snippets of video I'd taken in December 2018, to prove to myself that the event described in this post really happened, so much was my disbelief at the time.

2018 seems like another world now, every day seems like another world, honestly, but as we again creep toward that secretive place that is autumn, the song is still appropriate, will probably always be appropriate, as long as I'm fated to look for the things I can't see. 

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